Created 2024-10-21
Modified 2024-11-05
- Stickers
My long suffering and much used (and abused) MacBook Pro 13" (retina) from 2013 finally gave up recently. It's had memory issues for some time but mostly was able to keep going. Untill it couldn't and I get a full screen error one day and it would no longer boot.
At some point it had gained a "retro" rainbow apple sticker over the apple logo, and a wood veneer (real wood!) which had been stickered over a bit not complete coverage.
I've now got a Lenovo ThinkPad X390, refurbished, grade C, intel Core i5 8265U, 8GiB RAM, 256GB NVME storage, USB C port that does power data and display, so far I like it a lot. But it does lack stickers...
I have recently aquired a Brother QL-560 label printer. Ideas formed.
The following stickers are designed to follow the Hexagon Sticker Standard of 5.08cm diagonal plus or minus 1mm. They have also been optimised to print on my specific printer which can do black, white, and 8 shades of grey in between by dithering the black and white. Some have colour in them which is original, others it has been modified to suit the printer and may look odd when viewed/printed in colour.
They make use of the following fonts:
- Atkinson Hyperlegible - most, you can get this with
apt install fonts-atkinson-hyperlegible
- Lato - some, you can get this with
apt install fonts-lato
- SF Cartoonist Hand - a couple
- BankGothic - one, noted below
- Open Sans Condensed - one, noted below, you can get this with
apt install fonts-open-sans
- Dank Mono - one, any monospace programming style font will work though
I'm making these available for your own personal use, you're welcome to adjust them to suit your own printer/situation/etc. but please don't sell them.
This is the base SVG file which is the correct size to make your own sticker designs in. base.svg
Stickers go here
Here follows the stickers, I've attempted to make some kind of grouping / category but it's not exact!
Linux / "nerd"
WCAG 2.2
Started as a basic idea because WCAG 2.2AA and GTFO are all 4 letters (ish) and morphed because Success Critera 3.1.4 requires abbreviations to be expanded and the joke kept expanding from there to also include the "or the latest applicable version of these guidelines" bit. Originally it was triangle shape. "Fudge" so you can put it onto a work laptop.
Craft & Code
Based on the tagline / sticker from Future Insights / Future of Web Design (FOWD) conference (quite a few years ago). I've had the big circle sticker on a netbook I took there ever since and it really resonates with me, the melding of craft, design, humans, and code.
This one uses Dank Mono but you could swap the bottom bit for any monospace or programming font.
Disable IPv6
Inspired by this toot by Rail
I Void Warranties
With apologies to Jilles Groenendijk
Danger - No Microsoft
Based on this toot or one like it
Warning - Spicy Pillow
Inspired by this toot by @[email protected] commenting that
Everything with a lithium battery should come with a big orange sticker that says "discontinue use if the battery starts to swell".
I do not consent to the search of this device
Based on the EFF original sticker, but in the hex format.
More for my DHMO containment vessles than laptop, but it's hexagonal... PS, do not expose your laptop to DHMO unless it has been specifically hardened againt this corrosive chemical.
It's hard to do rainbows with shades of grey!
Trans Rights
A couple for myself/friends, I may make more or automate the process later... I'd suggest printing these directly from the SVG files so the QR codes don't get desroyed by being trurned into PNG files / or export them with a much higher DPI value.
The world is better with you in it
Doesn't really fit into any other the categories...
In quotes because I don't personally think any of this is controversial...
Black Lives Matter
This uses the Martin font.
Join a union
No human is illegal
F Brexit
And a slightly milder version (kinda)
Jolly Good Idea
Lots of text, but the message is clear...
Abolish Billionaires
Ok, maybe SOME Humans should be illegal...
This just rips the logo from the Debian website obviously this logo falls under Debian's copyright and licensing.
This art by Cathodegaytube, find (out) more at Xenia, the Linux mascot, obviously the copyright and license for this image is up to Cathodegaytube.
Uses BankGothic and Open Sans Condensed.
Ship outline found in various places without any speicific license attached, but I've probably missed it.